Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Old bruises, new bruises, mysterious bruises

It's been a while- to be honest I have not been in the mood.  I have barely keep up with tracking my food and my points for the Super Summer Challenge.  I just have slowly been feeling more and more "eh".  This week unfortunately takes the cake.

I was training with Alpha on Monday and I really had to focus at the end for my legs to hold my body up.  He thought it was my arms and was quick to take the hand weights from me- it wasn't that.  I'm sure it has something to do with my water intake (seriously lacking lately) and my food (not the best as we've run out of some core things to make healthy meals).  I am doing great still and increasing my weights but I'd really love to decrease my physical weight.  I am going to see what I am next week (as I have lost nothing between my first and second weigh in)- if it doesn't go down 1-2 pounds I need to seriously revamp things. Not gonna lie- not really sure how given my financial situation but something will be giving.  I'm also hoping that when my new vitamins come in that will help.  With energy help, I'm also hoping the vitamins will help with the bruising.  I bruise so easily!  It's crazy- I can count 4 bruises on my legs, 1 of which just appeared today and I have no clue where it came from. This anemia thing is for the birds!  2 that I know what I did- the shin/ankle was due to the hell ropes and the knee was from falling on my butt- I was doing shuffles while rubber banded to a wall.  Those are never good exercises for those that are not coordinated.  Not that I'm hoping this vitamin is a miracle- although that'd be nice, if it works and I have a good response then I would feel more open to trying other products I'll definitely let you know how it goes.

I have felt so exhausted this week.  Monday was eh, Tuesday I barely moved from my bed or the couch unless I needed to, and today- I really felt weak while we were at Sea World (for all of the 2 hours grand total that we were there).  Driving into work today was a chore- almost felt like I was dozing.  Good thing this shift I work with great people.  If it was people I wasn't happy with- this could go a lot worse.  I am just very ready to be home and asleep.  Nothing is helping me get my energy up. :/

Speaking of work- I spoke with admin yesterday and I'm anxious for things to change.  I explained to her how uncomfortable I am at the clinic I spend most of my shifts at.  She said she will be looking to have me moved as soon as she can.  It's a situation where I do not feel supported, or helped to do my best.  I get more benefit from my other clinic(s).  I'm sure...well, I know these stress situations play havoc on my body.  I almost forget about it because I'm so used to it until it gets bad and side effects happen.  What happens when you get stressed out? Cranky? Stress eat?  How do you deal with the stress...and the effects?

I have training tomorrow night...7pm.  Slightly hoping that with not having to rush around for things that I will be feeling better.  As I type this my stomach is not very happy and I am very sleepy.  I wish I could sleep in- unfortunately I have a dentist appointment at 11 (I'd reschedule if it wasn't the 4-5th time we've had to reschedule).

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