Friday, June 7, 2013

Ok...Let's do this!

This is the first post, hopefully, of many.

I started this because originally I had a fitness and nutrition page on FB- didn't really help me to keep track of my food/exercise and was only minimally effective in getting feed back and motivation.  I viewed it more as a chore than anything.  Not really how you want to view something you intend to keep up with...just like exercise and eating healthy.  I believe it shouldn't be a chore to keep it up.  I should WANT to do it, get excited even.  This is not always the case for me.

Ever start and stop something a million times? Each time swearing that this is going to be the last time you start it- you will continue and make it through to your goal.  You are going to rock it like it's never been before.  This is me...only I have yet to making it to, rocking the goal like it's never been before.  I've come insanely close one time, but then life got in the way and knocked me slightly off track.  Well, then I let it continue to go off track and apparently was oblivious to the snowball the size of Montana that was rolling.

"What is this snowball the size of Montana?", you may ask.  That would be the ever growing epidemic of obesity/weight.  I have had a lot of things happen in my life the last, let's say, 8 years.  I wasn't always a chunky kid- I was quite tiny.  The nickname Olive Oil was heard a lot in my childhood.  It wasn't until that pesky time of puberty came.  I ballooned up- the weight came on inexplicably fast, along with the glasses (I'm surprised I haven't been told I'm legally blind), and of course the zits (what is puberty without those?!).  Still I was active- mom had me in ballet, tap, jazz.  Which random side note- parents: do NOT force your children to do dance if they are uncomfortable in spandex...especially if they are the chubby kid (commence mocking of said child). 

Anywho- we'll jump forward to my early 20's.  I was in a very bad car accident.  We're talking- in the hospital off and on for 6 months, had what seemed like a million CAT scans and MRI's, along with 2-4 surgeries.  Oh! I also lost all dignity- you have none when they are looking at you from every angle possible.  God has blessed me with a plate & screws in my left knee and my right wrist, I also have a rod in my left leg that runs from my knee to my hip.  The last major surgery was a bowl resection.  The other surgery or 2 was minor.  Yes I do look at this car accident as a blessing.  How you may say? Easy- it showed me that the road I was going down wasn't a good one (no pun intended but kinda cool it came about).  So I changed some of my ways- which always comes with the losing of friends you thought would be there.  Whatever- I've never been one to have tons of friends, but I have a small group of really good friends. :)

From the 6 months in the hospital I dropped weight like woah! I went from 220# to 160#.  To quote my sister- "you looked like a sick bobble head".  It was true- I was super skinny but it was a sick skinny.  So bobbly me was also stuck walking with a walker/cane due to injuries.  This leads me to wear I am as low as I have ever been in weight...literally can't remember when I was that small...and takes me up to my highest I've ever been.  Imagine you can't eat anything for 6 months then you are finally able to eat.  Yep- I can tell you, you will eat anything and everything under the sun that doesn't make you sick.  I went from 160# all the way up to 250#.  I started at a gym to work on my knee/leg and also to work on the weight issue. 

I learned the hard way, about a year or more, that you can't just do one or the other:
Working out + eating crap = holding weight    Eating right + not working out = holding weight

Apparently you have to eat right AND work out for this weight loss thing to work- imagine that!  So I finally got sick of the weight and my knee not getting any stablilty/flexibilty back (could be cause I have no clue what I was doing in a gym with machines) - I used a portion of my settlement monies from the car accident to get myself a personal trainer.  This was perfect- someone to hold me accountable and help me with food, worked great in getting my knee back in shape, and in me doing this it got my friend to get on board to help keep me accountable (bonus for her she got her butt in shape too!).  This was fantastic- I was seeing great results.  I was even able to at one point leg press my old weight of 220#.  I went from 250# all the way down to 175# the healthy way.  No more sickly bobble head!

As I stated earlier- life got in the way, I got comfortable because I had such a large gap between the danger zone of 200 and where I was.  This now brings us to where I'm at now...into the danger zone at 216#.  Not good!  I feel like I've lost all my skills.  I know what I need to do food-wise.  It's almost like I don't know how to find them and use them again.  I started and stopped multiple times- got a gym membership at Planet Fitness that wasn't worth the cost each month for how much I did NOT use it. 

Dropped that and went to my old trainer and asked for help.  He gave me the name of a guy and I'm back at training again.  Love the guy I'm [training] with now.  It's a very slow process of getting food back on track but it is my goal this year (talking May 2013- May 2014) to get down to 140# and be done with this stop/start BS.  When I'm in the swing of things I feel great and I love how I look.  I want to see how much I will love myself at 140# :P

This journal/blog/whatever you want to call it, is my final journaling attempt at my progress.  There is only so much more I can do this before it becomes self evident that it's not going to happen.  I'm 30- turning 31 in Oct.  I want to be done working for this.  I want to be at my maintenance level.  Thank you for joining me on this adventure....if anyone's even reading this. :)

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