Friday, September 6, 2013

Gearing up

One thing- how the frig do I get pictures to actually show up on this thing!?!?!?  I have tried various ways of doing pictures and they won't stay up.  If anyone knows- please share with me!

Now, that that annoyance has been vented about...on to the good stuff. 

I am signing up as I type to be an Advocare distributor.  I signed up basically for the $50 of free Spark and Slam...also the 20% discount you get as a distributor.  I don't really have anyone to sell to but hey- I'm all about the discount.  If anyone's interested in products or whatnot, let a girl know. :)

In doing this I am amping up to get my booty in gear.  I got 15# to drop in about a month.  This is totally doable if I were to do the 24-day challenge that Advocare has.  It starts days 1-10 with a cleanse and then maintenance...not sure I want to spend the $175 to do that.  I can probably just buy the bits and pieces I want and go from there.  Nervous about doing the cleanse again...last time I did that it was almost disturbing how much I was sweating from detoxing.  I know it'll be like that again with the backsliding that has occurred.  As I type this I think I'm talking myself into it. :)

This week was the first week of me having a regular schedule again.  I love it!  It's going to be great once I get in the swing of things.  I know my job pretty well but there are still some things that are being learned as they come up.  The only thing is the lovely monthly visitor has gotten my food all jacked up.  I can never be too hard core during that week.  My body literally rejects the good food.  Next week though- it's on!

I'm going to be food prepping Monday (that's my only day off).  This will include food shopping for the next 2 weeks.  I'm going to try to budget for 2 weeks worth of food in my paychecks.  No excuses!  I can't have excuses to do this.  I didn't make excuses the first round and I was almost down 100#.  I hate the struggle- I know it is part of the journey.  To an extent anyway. ;)

I am excited for all of this- ready to get into a good routine.  I need to get some sanity back in my life.

If you keep up with me long enough you will learn I love Old English Sheepdogs.  I have one named Riley (who is my first fur baby).  I had a sheepie growing up- Prince.  They are as different as night and day.  Anywho- this will be coming this weekend hopefully. :D
One final attempt at a picture:
"the paw - the head - the wiggle butt"


  1. Woohoo, you got the picture to show up!

    Good luck with the 24-day challenge if you decide to do it! I had never heard of Advocare before, but it sounds similar to another company that I became a distributor for once, just for the discount of course, lol.

  2. No clue why that one stayed up lol. I think bc it was on a different website.

    Yes, exactly! Only for the discount. :)
